Human Geo 11/9/17

Today we had a pop quiz in Human Geography which just made my grade get dive bombed to a lot less than the 100% that I had before. I hate the pop quizzes because they make me fell really stupid when I get simple answers wrong and I never know what they are going to be on. I didn't like this pop quiz in particular because we only had 10 seconds after Mr. Schick read the question, to answer it before it disappeared and we could not see it again and only 3 people got 100% on it which is more than the last pop quiz that we took where only one person got a 100% and that was Dominic who should not be in the class because he gets 100%'s on everything he does in Human Geography and in English class so nobody was surprised by this. We then talked about if we liked the class or not and I was in the middle and one person did not like the class because they said it was too much to remember.


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