Human Geo 11/21/17

Today in Human Geography we got to look at a website called Kiva and we just got to explore and see if we thought that some of the things on the website were interesting and I noticed that it is just for donating money to people and you can give a minimum of 25 dollars and you can only donate to a person one time. I liked this because we could pick the people that we thought deserved it most and I saw about a woman that was raising money to pay for hospital expenses because she had already had a kid but she was having another one and needed to pay for the bills that were coming when she did give birth and all the times she had to check on her process. I noticed that she had a long time before her donation time was over and she only needed $175 to pay for all of the expenses that she would have to cover. I hope she either gets the funds or I am happy that she did get them depending on the next time I check it.


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