Human Geo 11/15/17

Today in Human Geography we continued hearing project presentations from groups and my group had to go first today. I do not like speaking in front of classes and I did not like this because people were very disrespectful like Ryan and they were just sitting on their computers doing whatever they wanted while we were trying very hard to present the project that we worked our butts off to do and finish to try and get an A while other groups like the one yesterday only went for a B. This frustrated me because it is a very tough class and all I wanted to do was present my project so that I could get an A and bring my grade up from the B that it dropped to because of the first pop quiz that we then re-took because almost everybody got a bad grade on it. I hope that we got an A on the project because it would help me tremendously and I would feel better about having to do a project like that again.


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