Human Geo 9/11/17

Today in class we were using the Socratic method to ask and respond to questions about what we thought was going to be on our next assignment and one of the questions asked was about how Socrates died. He died because he was accused of impiety and corrupting the youth and his defense was that he was trying to keep them moving and that he should be rewarded with free dinners for life and in a jury of 500, 279 voted him guilty and 221 said that he was not. He was to be put to death by poison hemlock which is a slow and painful way to go and some of his jailers tried to let him out but he said no to prove his trust in Athenian democracy. Another question was about who Elbert Hubbard was. He is the one who wrote a Message to Garcia to show people how sloppy they were. The story got printed more than 40 million times and was typed in 37 different languages. Another question was about who Rowan was. Rowan is the man who took the message to Garcia with no questions and completed the dangerous assignment to help win the Spanish-American War.


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