Human Geo 10/30/17

Today in Human Geography we talked about life expectancy and I learned that in Monaco, where only the richest people can live, they have a life expectancy average of 89.52 years with men at 85.63 years and 93.58 years for women. The United States is in 42nd with an average of 79.68 years with men at 77.32 years and women at 81.97 years. The lowest is the country of Chad with an average of 49.81 years with men at 48.64 years 51.03 years. We also talked about Net Migration Rate and how Canada has 5.65 migrants per 1000 people and the United States has 2.45 migrants per 1000 people but the United States is higher because we have a lot more people than Canada does so it is not as easy to measure how close or how far it is. Mexico has -1.68 migrants per 1000 people because a lot of people are leaving the country to seek a better place for themselves and their families if they have one.


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