Human Geo 12/11/17

Today in Human Geography we talked about how we thought all of our exams were going to go and if we thought that we would pass all of them or if we would have trouble with a lot of them or just one of them because it might be a subject that we are not good at. The two subjects that I will have the most trouble with are English and Biology because I got a B in both of those classes last quarter and I really want to get A's in them but I am close to a C in English and I have a C in Biology but I am terrible at Biology and I hate the class because I do not understand how to study for the tests that we take and I always end up getting a bad grade and it makes me and my dad very mad. I want to get the best grades possible because it means a lot to me to prove that I can put in the work and get it done when I need to.


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