
Showing posts from December, 2017

Human Geo 12/12/17

Today in Human Geography we talked about how the exams were going to go and which room we were going to be in. Mr. Schick told us that we would have mainly multiple choice questions with one constructed response question and we talked a lot about the concept of the demographic transition chart and how we would have to look at all of the different stages of the chart and show how each of them meant a different stage for a different country and how every stage meant a different place with birth rate and death rate. In stage one a country has a high birth rate and a high death rate, in stage two a country has a high birth rate and a rapidly decreasing death rate, in stage three the death rate slows its fall and the birth rate begins to fall, in stage four the death rate has flattened out and the birth rate is starting to mellow out at the bottom, with stage five both the birth and death rate are low but the death rate is higher.

Human Geo 12/11/17

Today in Human Geography we talked about how we thought all of our exams were going to go and if we thought that we would pass all of them or if we would have trouble with a lot of them or just one of them because it might be a subject that we are not good at. The two subjects that I will have the most trouble with are English and Biology because I got a B in both of those classes last quarter and I really want to get A's in them but I am close to a C in English and I have a C in Biology but I am terrible at Biology and I hate the class because I do not understand how to study for the tests that we take and I always end up getting a bad grade and it makes me and my dad very mad. I want to get the best grades possible because it means a lot to me to prove that I can put in the work and get it done when I need to.

Human Geo 12/7/17

Today in Human Geography Mr. Schick was not in school so we had a substitute and we were allowed to start working on how we thought we were going to study for our exams and I need to figure out exactly what it is on so that I can study the exact material for the exam so that I can get the best possible grade which I need to be able to get straight A's and that would be great for the first semester and then I will be switching classes to gym from health and a couple of my other classes were switching to other things. I do not know if my off-mod will be changed and I hope it does not because I have the same off-mod as the game club teacher and we are allowed to go to his room and play games which is a lot of fun and I am glad that he does it because he is very good at the game we play which is cool because it is a lot of competition when a bunch of us play together with up to 8 people which is always a different result.

Human Geo 12/6/17

Today in Human Geography we talked about the answers to the pop quiz and when he was talking about them only two people in our class got 100% on it which surprised me because a lot of people said that they got 100% when we first took in but the two people that did, nobody expected and Dominic, who everybody did expect to get 100% did not but I only got a 50% so I should stop hating on other people. I was mad at myself for doing so bad because I thought that I did a lot better but I failed and it dropped my grade to a B from a middle A which really sucks because I want and need straight A's and I am close to having a C which would kill me.

Human Geo 12/5/17

Today in Human Geography we took a pop quiz which I was not ready for and I noticed that Mr. Schick just posted the results and I got a 10/20 which is a 50% and it caused my grade to drop from a middle A to a high B which hurts because I need straight A's to keep my academic scholarship but I might be able to have 2 B's but now I have 3 B's which one is close to an A but the other two are closer to C's which I would hate because my dad would get extremely pissed off at me and never stop yelling at me for needing to do better even if I try my best. I want to get straight A's because it means that I am doing well in my classes and I will get Honor Roll which would be awesome to get in my first year of High School and I would just feel good about it because it is a big thing and it is very hard to do because I am in very tough classes and I want to keep working hard to keep getting straight A's once I do get them.

Human Geo 12/1/17

Today in Human Geography we talked about a thing called a Demographic transition chart which tracks all of the countries that go from pre-industrial to industrial to post-industrial and how each of the countries that were in the video from yesterday were in different stages along this chart. The video and this chart are helpful together because when you looked at the graph you could get a picture of where they were on the graph and how they corresponded to each other to get more specific measurements for each of the other countries that were on the graph. I noticed that countries started to get healthier and richer during the industrial stage and that they are continuing to get healthier in the post-industrial due to how much everything that they did changed and how it influenced how everybody around the world and in their own countries would live their lives and how it was going to be either good or bad which is still yet to be seen.