
Human Geo 1/12/18

Today we had our test on world leaders in Human Geography that I did not study for because I did not know we were going to have one but we did but I think that I did a good job on it so I will get a good grade. I hope that it is enough to get me back up to an A in the class because I need straight A's to keep myself and my parents happy with school. I also had an English test yesterday but I am mad about that because I got an 89% and if I had gotten one more right it would have been a 91% which is an A but of course I did not do the extra credit assignment for five extra points so with my 89% it would have been a 94% but I am not very smart or good when it comes to giving effort to some things. I am kind of glad and kind of sad that this class s ending. It means no more seeing some of the people that are friends from this class and no more Mr. Schick sometimes twice a day and I am happy that I get to meet Mr. Fendryk.

Human Geo 1/11/18

Today in Human Geography we finished talking about our work on all of the most important world leaders and most of the people we talked about had a brother that was killed and I was surprised to see that one leader named Kim Jong-un killed people from his own family just to get more power so that he could take control of North Korea and when people got in his way from his family he hired people to get them killed and this way he was the first in line for power when his father died and there were no other relatives in his family that were older than him. He now uses his power to threaten other people but it took him a long time to get weapon capabilities but people from Russia came and helped give them nuclear capabilities to threaten the United States of America.

Human Geo 1/3/18

Today in Human Geography we talked about the same things as yesterday so it was mainly a review and then we started talking about different countries and listened to a song about a thing saying all of the countries from I think around 1970 and it went really fast so I could not hear all of the countries that the thing was saying and this led us to what we are doing now. We have a project about where we are looking at a bunch of countries and giving a map, the name of the country, the leader's name and title, what type of government they have, and an official portrait of the leader. Mr. Schick did the United States and I was surprised to learn that we have a constitutional-based federal republic which means that we do not have a democracy like I thought but that our government is based off of our constitution which is a very big part of how we live normally.

Human Geo 1/2/18

Today in Human Geography we finally met after 17 days so MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year. We started our final unit called Political Geography and we talked about how by political standings we can be divided into countries, nations, and states throughout the whole world. A country is defined as an identifiable land area, a nation is defined as a population or group of people with a common culture, and State is defined as a population under a single government and it can be synonymous with "country". A nation is a group of people with a shared identity and we can think of it as a culture group. A definition that applies to most places is that nations are groups of people, larger than a single tribe or community, which may share a common language, institution, religion, and/or historical experience.

Human Geo 12/12/17

Today in Human Geography we talked about how the exams were going to go and which room we were going to be in. Mr. Schick told us that we would have mainly multiple choice questions with one constructed response question and we talked a lot about the concept of the demographic transition chart and how we would have to look at all of the different stages of the chart and show how each of them meant a different stage for a different country and how every stage meant a different place with birth rate and death rate. In stage one a country has a high birth rate and a high death rate, in stage two a country has a high birth rate and a rapidly decreasing death rate, in stage three the death rate slows its fall and the birth rate begins to fall, in stage four the death rate has flattened out and the birth rate is starting to mellow out at the bottom, with stage five both the birth and death rate are low but the death rate is higher.

Human Geo 12/11/17

Today in Human Geography we talked about how we thought all of our exams were going to go and if we thought that we would pass all of them or if we would have trouble with a lot of them or just one of them because it might be a subject that we are not good at. The two subjects that I will have the most trouble with are English and Biology because I got a B in both of those classes last quarter and I really want to get A's in them but I am close to a C in English and I have a C in Biology but I am terrible at Biology and I hate the class because I do not understand how to study for the tests that we take and I always end up getting a bad grade and it makes me and my dad very mad. I want to get the best grades possible because it means a lot to me to prove that I can put in the work and get it done when I need to.

Human Geo 12/7/17

Today in Human Geography Mr. Schick was not in school so we had a substitute and we were allowed to start working on how we thought we were going to study for our exams and I need to figure out exactly what it is on so that I can study the exact material for the exam so that I can get the best possible grade which I need to be able to get straight A's and that would be great for the first semester and then I will be switching classes to gym from health and a couple of my other classes were switching to other things. I do not know if my off-mod will be changed and I hope it does not because I have the same off-mod as the game club teacher and we are allowed to go to his room and play games which is a lot of fun and I am glad that he does it because he is very good at the game we play which is cool because it is a lot of competition when a bunch of us play together with up to 8 people which is always a different result.